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Stadt Zürich

Six key topics


Building renovation

Building owners can reduce the energy demands of their buildings through energy-related refurbishment to achieve the goals of the 2000-watt society for buildings.

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Heating, photovoltaics and energy-efficiency in companies

Building owners and operators can produce photovoltaic electricity on their buildings, optimise the use of energy in operation and invest in energy-efficient and CO2-free heating technologies to achieve the goals of the 2000-watt-society for buildings.

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Building users, mainly tenants, can contribute to the goals of the 2000-watt society by reducing their energy demands for heating, mobility and electric appliances and by choosing renewable electricity.

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The mobility goals of the 2000-watt society can be achieved through reducing mileage, choosing ecological means of transport (e.g. walking, cycling and public transport) and using energy-efficient vehicles.

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In nutrition, the goals of the 2000-watt society can be achieved by choosing resource-saving foods, i.e. following a vegetarian, seasonal and local diet and by reducing food waste.

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To achieve the goals of the 2000-watt society, it is necessary not only to increase energy and resource efficiency and use environmentally-friendly technologies but also to change behaviours towards sufficiency.

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